What is this?

This is a musical – more satire than polemic, more fiction than journalism – poking gentle fun at all parties involved, but especially skewering the right-wing fundamentalists. The show is in production for June 6-8, 2025, at the Wood Theater in Downtown Glens Falls.

From feedback from the public reading, Trans comedian Jaye McBride and a trans-woman clerk who lived through it all, the script has been polished and edited, two new songs have been written and potentially offensive material removed, yielding: Draft 7!

BwhoUR! is still the theme of this family friendly show, an uplifting message for straight and gay audiences alike, and a necessary antidote to today’s escalating culture wars.

The Show

Will Reporter ever find a scoop to help Editor save the paper?

Will the liberal Yoo-Hoos stop the fundamentalist Preacher and his Flock from banning books and closing the library?

Will Legal find a loophole to help Mayor avoid flying the Pride flag at the courthouse?

Will Dream Queen subvert Our Children?

Will Mary & Librarian ever find true love?

Will Smallville ever get woke and learn to get along?

And what about Tommy & Tammy?

The Man Behind the Music


Neal Herr is the writer and composer of seven musical productions and 16 original CDs, and has won, among other awards, the America Opera Projects selection for Nearby Faraway, the 2022 musical composed by Catherine Reid about Georgia O’Keeffe and Alfred Stieglitz.

He has directed numerous musicals, tributes and performances, performs regularly in and around Glens Falls, and earned his MFA from NYU’s Tisch School of the Performing Arts in Musical Theater.

What Happened — in Real Life:

Warren County policy and NYS law: Sexual harassment is strictly prohibited, on the basis of gender expression, gender identity and being transgender, when such conduct is made a condition of an individual’s employment. This Policy applies to all County vendors, such as Jake.

aka Jake Evans, the original cancelled drag performer, has agreed to come from Austin to star in our show!

Scarlet Sagamore